Wednesday, October 15, 2014

No to Child Pornography, Yes to Computer Ethics

Respected Ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all. With my warmest regards I would take the opportunity to say that I am very indebted & grateful to stand here in front of you all and express my vision. Today, I am not standing here for giving any kind of lecture. I am also not here for asking anything for my individual interest. I am here to humbly & courteously ask you all for helping me to save our future. Yes our future in danger and I really mean it. Confused?

By future, I mean our children & young generation. There is no doubt that they are our real future and thus our country’s future. They are the purest form of human race. Their minds are divine and holy. But the problems with pure and clear things are that they can be easily adulterated. Children are like liquids, they take the shape of any vessel in which they are kept. Hence, the background of the children matters a lot for their mindset. And as they will grow, those things will become concrete in their minds & hearts. Not only children but the grownups may also get injudicious in such cases.
If we talk about today’s world, the 1st thing which comes to our mind when we think about children’s surroundings is TECHNOLOGY. It doesn’t matter how small or big the kids are, they all are directly or indirectly using any type of technology in their life. The most common gadgets which they use are: Mobile & Computers. These things are great when they are alone but as soon as a thing called “Internet” is connected to it, we have no idea where it will take them. Ethical problems are aggravated, transformed & created by computer technology. As they are unaware of the circumstances which will be caused after their act they end up in wrong paths of life. If they are not corrected in some time, these paths will become permanent till they grow old.
Now why should we take it so seriously? It needs attention because it's going to damage them emotionally. Their self esteem and their self confidence will be under threat, also their sense of physical safety. And you should know that your kids may not want to tell you they're being bullied as they might be embarrassed or might not want to own up to the fact they're on sites they aren't supposed to be on.

People have a mindset to try something new every time. They love adventure & new feelings they experience. But due to lack of knowledge about good and bad, they are unable to figure out that what they love right now may end up in big blunders. Once they try a thing and if they like it, they will continue doing it. The best example for such case is CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. I think that it is time to introduce everyone with COMPUTER ETHICS.
Now, what is Computer Ethics? And why is it necessary? How does it lead to child pornography?

Computer Ethics is a part of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct. Internet Privacy is one of the lock issues that have emerged since the evolution of the World Wide Web. Millions of internet users often expose personal information on the internet in order to sign up or register for thousands of different possible things. This act has exposed themselves on the internet in ways some may not realize. This exposure is used in a bad way against that particular person. We regularly come across the news such as “LEAKED PHOTOS” & “LEAKED VIDEOS”. This is due to bad knowledge of computer ethics. Teens don’t know where to draw a line & that is a root cause of this. Lack of computer ethics will definitely lead to Child pornography. Let me take a few moments to explain you all about it.

Child pornography is pornography that exploits children for sexual gratification. Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts which are recorded in the production of child pornography. Digital cameras and Internet distribution facilitated by the use of credit cards and the ease of transferring images across national borders has made it easier than ever before for users of child pornography to obtain the photographs and videos.
I hope we all have understood now that what computer ethics is and how can its lack of knowledge prove to be harmful for our children and our future. I will now conclude my speech by appealing to you all that please join me in my advocacy to fight against child pornography. This isn’t my individual fight but it is our fight to save our country’s future.
Let us all end these threats & take an oath of teaching our younger minds about Computer Ethics.

Thanks a lot for allowing me to share my views,
Have a great future!



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